Coffin flower arrangements: significance, symbolism and repurposing

Coffin flower arrangements: significance, symbolism, and repurposing 

Coffin flower arrangements are profoundly significant in honouring the departed and comforting those left behind.   At Anton Brown Funerals, we understand that every farewell should be as unique as the individual being honoured. That’s why we take great care in curating coffin flower arrangements that serve as meaningful tributes to celebrate the life of your…

Closed Casket: FAQ's

Closed casket: FAQ’s

The decision of whether to have an open or closed casket at a funeral can be deeply personal and emotional. Many families may choose a closed casket for various reasons, and in this article, we will delve into the intricacies of this choice. From cultural traditions to preserving cherished memories, numerous factors may influence a…

Grief & the grieving process: Frequently asked questions

Grief and the grieving process: FAQs

Grief and the grieving process is a deeply personal and individual experience that manifests in various ways. While society often expects grief to follow a predictable timeline with neatly defined stages, the reality is far more nuanced and individualised. The grieving process is not linear and can be complicated by factors such as the nature…