Death is a fact of life and yet the fear and dread that surrounds one’s passing is such that most people do not want to think of it.
As a result, when one does pass away, many people are totally unprepared for the important decisions and arrangements that need to be made.
It is wise to choose your Funeral Director in advance. Such a selection is not morbid, in fact it is very wise. When a death occurs there is little time for comparisons and selecting a Funeral Director you are and your family are comfortable with. Pre-planning helps prevent hasty decisions being made that may be regretted later.
Once you have chosen your Funeral Director you can take the next step and pre-plan your funeral service. This is simply the recording of your wishes and other necessary information ahead of the time it is required. There is information required for the registration of a person’s death with the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages that may be difficult to recall at a time when a family coming to terms with their loss. You can also record the type of service you would like and where you would like it held.
Understandably, this takes a great load off grieving family and friends, and gives them the opportunity to mourn without the additional stress of arranging the funeral