Online memorial: a digital solution for remembering a loved one.

Online Memorial: a Digital Solution for Remembering a Loved One

Introducing online memorials, a groundbreaking digital solution that allows you to create personalised online memorials like never before. With online memorials, you can pay tribute to your loved ones in a heartfelt and modern way. This innovative platform seamlessly combines the power of social media, digital storytelling, and personalisation to create a lasting memorial that…

Scattering ashes in Queensland explained

Scattering ashes in Queensland explained

Scattering ashes is a deeply personal and symbolic act of saying farewell to a loved one. In the beautiful state of Queensland, Australia, numerous options are available for those seeking to scatter ashes in meaningful locations. Whether in serene natural landscapes or culturally significant sites, Queensland offers a variety of choices that cater to diverse…

A guide on how to choose an Urn

A guide on how to choose an urn

Choosing an urn is a deeply personal and often emotional decision many individuals face during the difficult time of losing a loved one. At Anton Brown Funerals, we understand the importance of helping families navigate these challenging choices, providing support and guidance at every step. In this article, we aim to shed light on choosing…

Funeral Planning

Funeral Planning: a family’s guide

Losing a loved one is never easy, and funeral planning can add to the stress and grief. It’s important to create a meaningful and personalised service that reflects the life and personality of the deceased while also providing comfort to those who attend. However, with so many decisions and emotions running high, it can be…

Centenary Memorial Gardens

Centenary Memorial Gardens

Centenary Memorial Gardens is a serene and beautiful place for those seeking to pay tribute to their loved ones who have passed away. It’s an oasis in the bustling city of Brisbane, offering a range of services and facilities for families and friends to remember their departed ones. From its lush gardens and peaceful water…

How to Personalise a funeral

Brisbane Funerals: How to personalise a funeral

Funerals are an opportunity to celebrate the life of a loved one and commemorate the beautiful memories they shared. At Anton Brown Funerals, we have seen funeral ceremonies evolve from traditional to personalised and unique. Families can now tailor funeral proceedings to suit their own beliefs, ideas and values, allowing them to truly honour the…